
I offer 30 minutes free consultation, so you can find out if I have anything to offer you.

You can find the price list by clicking on "book an appointment".

Jeg bruker først og fremst effektive øvelser som hjelper deg til å være tilstede i kroppen. Slik at det oppleves lettere å bevege seg. Noen ganger bruker jeg massasje og manuelle teknikker i tillegg.

I also offer classic well being massage. Which can release the hormone Oxitocin which relieves stress.

If you want, I can travel to your workplace to observe how you move in practical work etc

I have no public agreement. This means that you are not able to use your free card from Helfo when you are treated by me.

Classic wellbeing massage

Sometimes it is good for body and soul to only enjoy massage of large parts of the body. Without thinking about special health problems. I offer classic massage with dry and warm hands (no oils). You decide how deep massage you want.

Learn efficient gait technique

There are many ways of walking. In all cases, you get where you want to go, but some gait techniques struggle on the knees, hips, back and neck. I can help you find an efficient gait technique, where you use minimal force and save your body from wear and tear. In addition, it will be nicer to walk, and it looks more elegant.

To sit well and long without a backrest

Do you want to be able to sit long and comfortable on a firm seat without a backrest ? This is possible for most people. I can teach you to sit in an "efficient way". It is all about getting to know the muscles and connective tissue in your body well.

How do you stand on your feet?

Do you have a raise-and-lower desk in the office? Or do you have a job where you have to stay for extended periods? Then it can be very good to learn to stand in an efficient way. So you save your knees, hips, back and neck from wear and tear. At the same time it becomes easy to do your job.

You can find the price list by clicking on "book an appointment".